Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bob Weottababyitsaboy

Yes, that's right. This is my first update in seven months.
I think this video justified it. :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Alki Beach and Kayaking

In July, Gianna, Connor and I went to Alki Beach across from Lake Washingon. I really like it because it just has the best view of Seattle. I had a lot of fun taking pictures. Connor stole my camera for awhile and was obsessed with the zoom on my camera.

Here are some pictures.

That Friday, I went kayaking on Lake Desire (behind Northwood) with Connor. It was an extremely hot day, so being in the lake felt really nice. The lake was deserted, so it was really peaceful. The lake is surrounded by trees too! I love trees.
The bathroom by the lake was the scariest thing I've ever seen though. Still creeps me out.

After kayaking, we went to the Soos Creek Trail and had a picnic! Connor actually packed a lunch with a bunch of my favorits foods, which was really nice and suprising.
We played at the park after and went down the slides. The slides created too much static electricity.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kent Cornucopia Days

Last Friday, I went to Kent Cornucopia Days with good friend Jocelyn Chang. This was just a big festival with hundreds of booths. It was hot and crowded, and was tons of fun.
We walked around to all the different booths. There were some really cute things, such as the cutest aprons I've ever seen and some cute purses made out of seat-belts, but everything at a fair is really expensive.
My favorite thing about the festival was all the free stuff.
Jocelyn and I were walking around when we saw a big charter bus and a lady told us to go on the bus. We did, and there ended up being a nice couch and spa type thing. We got a free handbag with sample facial stuff, and then we got a free hand wax and hand massage. This picture was taken right after we dipped our hands in wax. They put these white gloves on our hands and then they peeled it off. The lady working there gave a really nice hand massage too!
There was another booth where you put on lipstick and then kissed a card. I failed the first time I kissed the paper. The lady working there said it was the first time someone had to kiss two papers, because the first time I kissed, it didn't work. I ended up being "so you-nique". How exciting. They didn't have anything to wipe the lipstick off with, so I almost walked around with bright pink/red lipstick for the rest of the day! Luckily, we found a hot dog stand and stole some napkins...
Try your kissology!

I've always wanted my caricature drawn, so I convinced Jocelyn to do it with me. I knew that we would look like every other girl he'd ever drawn, especially when the girl before us, who was wearing a ponytail, was drawn with long, pretty hair. I didn't regret it though, and I love my caricature.

Do we look realistic?

There were these really pretty fountains that we both wanted. We ended up getting the smallest ones, but there were huge ones where there was a wine glass on its side and the water came out of the nick. They were all really beautiful. I wasn't sure I wanted to spend my last money on one, and so Jocelyn bought me one for my birthday! It was extremely sweet of her. I love this fountain. I hope you can sort of see it in this picture.

So I finally updated my blog! Hurrah! Enjoy my silly adventures!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I love Kara!

What I love about my big sister:

1. She is lots of fun on her birthday and makes everyone laugh because of her enthusiasm and her birthday lists.

2. She is super strong.

3. She loves her sisters.

4. She has good conversations.

5. She can eat a lot.

6. She'll never grow up.

7. She's has good taste in music.

8. She values safety.

9. She Loves her Husband!

10. She Loves her BABY!

I love you Kara, you are a great example to me. I'm excited to be down in Provo with you next year! I hope you love your birthday and sorry for making you share it!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Getting asked to Senior Ball!

This is what I found when I came home from High School Musical and the dance on Saturday. Adriel Johnson had filled my room with balloons and placed a card on my door with clues to which balloon i should pop to answer questions.

On the "Who," he had two scriptures that i had to look up, which had his name in them.

Thanks Lindsey, indirectly, for this idea. Apparently, L.W has answered guys twice with this: you take a phone book and write "yes" next to your listing, and then cover it with frosting, so it looks like a cake.

However, mom thought that it was mean, because he would've thought that he was going to get a cake, so I exacto knifed a hole it the business section and put cookies in it. :)

I had a lot of fun watching him take a butcher knife and try to cut open the cake.
I'm really excited for the dance. The group is going to be tons of fun, and Adriel's a nice guy, so I'm looking forward to the whole ordeal. :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Celebrations

We went on an Easter Hunt today in celebration of the Eater Holidays coming up. Instead of searching for eggs, we searched for pine cones. Mom and I were the big winners of the hunt. I found the above Jaw bone in the yard and Mom found the skull pictured below. Kara was the big loser who only found pine cones.
The bones are from the two bald eagles that live or vacation in our yard.

This is my Easter basket. Notice how much more I have in mine. I must be more loved. ;)

Here's Kara's basket.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Odd and Obscure.

Trevor Gillis brought an accordion to school on Tuesday. After school, he let me play it. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Opening and closing that accordion is hard work! And then there are 120 buttons on the side that represent different chords to play...but you can't see them. I thought it was really fun to play around with it thought.
Mom bought a ton of Cheez-its this week. I was super excited. Cheez-its are my favorite snack. I sort of over-ate them though. Maybe not the best idea... But some of the Cheez-its were scrable ones. So I wrote my name out in college english on the desk. Mrs. Henderson loved it, and came and ate some too. (The Scrabble Cheez-its taste better than the regular ones. Crisper!)
I helped out with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory this week. I was stage crew, and we had to dress like Oompa Loompas because there were open scene changes. It was fun to be on crew because the other crew members were really funny. The first act there were zero scene changes, so we just sat around and read laffy taffy jokes to each other. The second act, we had to move boxes around like every ten seconds it seemed. The play was very cute.
Yay mom and Sis. Connell!